Local is the new Global: A Film on Doughnut Economics

Following a local policy workshop hosted by the Southampton Climate Action Network (SoCAN) to discuss the application of doughnut economics in Southampton, a film has been put together to continue to share these ideas with a wider audience.

Featuring Kate Raworth, author of Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist, the film introduces the Doughnut model as a way to balance the priorities of providing for the local community whilst limiting environmental harm, using a doughnut shape as a clear visual tool.

Rather than viewing sustainability as a restriction in the business community, this model encourages sustainable development that also provides opportunities for community wealth building, by regenerative and distributive business practice. Central to this practice is the importance of spending and investing locally. The Southampton Pound initiative encompasses these values.

The film focuses on Southampton, both showcasing the independent businesses of Southampton that already support the values of Doughnut Economics, and demonstrating how these values can be used to support the most deprived areas of the city, through examples in other councils such as Cornwall.

Doughnuts served at the film premiere, alongside visual prompts inspiring the future of Southampton

During the film premiere, a Q&A panel was held to answer questions from local business owners, procurement officers and regional economic stakeholders about how these principals could be applied to their work, and what the next step might look like for forming sustainable development in the region.

Image Credit: Lyn Brayshaw and Rosie Newey

The panel was hosted by Ross McNally, Executive Chair of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, and featured the following speakers:

·      Clare Diaper, SoCAN member

·      Councillor Sarah Bogle

·      Paul Maple, filmmaker

·      Liz Batten, SoCAN member and film executive producer

The film is now available on Youtube and can be watched below.


New Policy Brief: Mapping Southampton’s Food System


THE GREENPRINT FRAMEWORK: Supporting collaboration across the region