A diagram depicting Education, Research and Knowledge Exchange as branches of a triple helix circling a "People" core

WHat we do

Strategic priorities

The Centre for the South has engaged with local authorities, private and voluntary sectors, and commissioned New Local to uncover the region’s most pressing priorities. These stakeholder engagements have borne six place-based challenges that the CftS and its partners are particularly interested in addressing, shown below.

Click the images to read more on the the CftS activities that address these challenges.

Local skills, lifelong learning, and the future of work

involves ongoing education and training initiatives that enable people to continuously acquire new competencies and remain relevant in a rapidly changing job market, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities presented by the future of work in their local community.

Infrastructures and net zero in the central South

pertain to developing sustainable physical and technological systems, such as transportation, energy, and buildings, that reduce carbon emissions to achieve a net-zero carbon footprint. This involves transitioning to eco-friendly infrastructure to minimize environmental impact.

Identity and pride in place for the region

involves fostering a strong cultural and social connection to a specific geographic area. It aims to instill a sense of belonging and attachment among the region’s residents, making them proud of their local identity and heritage, which can positively impact community cohesion and well-being.

Addressing mental health and health inequalities

involves efforts to improve access to mental health services and reduce disparities in healthcare. It aims to provide better support for mental well-being and eliminate unequal access and outcomes in healthcare services, ensuring that everyone in the community has equitable opportunities for good health.

The role, use, and access to green/blue spaces

focuses on how natural areas like parks, forests, and water bodies are utilized and made available to the public. It involves ensuring that these spaces serve important functions, such as recreation and environmental conservation, and are easily accessible to the community, promoting physical and mental well-being.

Power structures and devolution for the central South

refers to the examination and potential restructuring of governance systems to grant more authority and decision-making power to local authorities and communities within the Central South region. This shift in power structures aims to make governance more efficient, responsive, and accountable at the local level, allowing for more community-based decision making and self-governance.